Saturday, January 22, 2011

So much teenage angst.

So here's the good news... if you're reading this, you're reading (yet another) angsty teenager's thoughts. I'm not actually angsty - I'm actually a very happy person, and I always have been ever since I was little.

However, like anyone else, there are certain things in my life that just piss me off. One of these things is materialistic people... specifically, those in sororities and fraternities. Now, here's the disclaimer: I have no real experience being a part of either, so I know that I can't judge. Therefore, none of what I say should be taken for truth, but rather just for my completely unfairly biased opinion, which you may agree or disagree with.

As a senior in high school, I have the blessing and curse of the college hunt - trying to find the "perfect match" for you for the next four years. I actually took one of those personality tests to try to figure out what the "perfect match" is but didn't really learn a whole lot so... that was useless.

Anyways, in the midst of my college hunting/applying, I came across a school you may have heard of: Indiana University - Bloomington. Known for its Kelly School of Business and the annual bicycle race Little 500, commonly referred to as Little 5, IU is a great school - beautiful campus, beautiful people.

It also has one of the largest Greek scenes in the United States. With over 17% of their student body of 40,000 involved in Greek life, one could say that the social scene is largely dominated by frat parties and spring flings (do they actually have those? I'm just referencing a bad movie I saw on Netflix once).

In all my haste, I sent an application, and was accepted, to Indiana University. Naturally, my first step after getting my acceptance email (so lame, totally wish they still sent packages first) was to join the IU 2015 group on Facebook. When I joined, I noticed two things:
1. Everyone is white.
2. Everyone is talking about rushing/pledging.

So naturally, my second step was to check out the Greek life. I have a friend who is currently in a fraternity at IU so I consulted him about which sororities were the "good ones" and which ones were "the no-nos" (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit after actually typing that sentence out). Great news: APhi has the hottest girls, and Tri-Delt is just as good but definitely snobbier. Let's talk about it.

A few weeks later, here I am. Bored on a Saturday night after seeing No Strings Attached with my friends (great movie, by the way... a little cheesy but enjoyable all the same) and perusing Facebook. And what do I come across? "Vineyard Vines at Indiana University."

For those of you that aren't familiar with Vineyard Vines, it's a clothing company that originated in Martha's Vineyard - the epitome of New England, as some would say (I disagree... I think it's Gillette Stadium, home of the Patriots, but whatever). It's overpriced, pastel, and coated with little pink whales or anchors. Really?

Now, I understand some people want to dress fashionably, but... pink, green, yellow, and blue pastel all combined into one in a plaid in shorts-form is just not attractive. At all. Seriously.

There are people all around the world dying because they can't afford food, or don't have access to clean water. A tuberculosis and malaria vaccine in Zambia costs roughly ten cents (I think it was ten cents... something relatively cheap). And here we are, purchasing hideous articles of clothing for absurd prices... and for what? To spill beer from the keg all over them and so some guy can rip them to shreds in the basement of his frat house?

The "VV at IU" page is filled up with wallposts from various guys and girls from different sororities. "DG + VV = <3" or "KAPPA LOVES VV" or (my personal favorite) "Vineyard Vines: is it in you? Not unless you're a Theta Chi."

And not to mention, there are little pink whales EVERYWHERE.

I'm usually not one to be easily pissed off by things like this, but something about this really got me. I don't understand how some people (SOME, not all people involved in Greek life) can be so self-consumed and forget how much else is out there, how big the world is.

Moreover, I cannot believe I seriously considered joining a sorority. I don't think they take Indians anyway... but in the off-chance I got a bid into one of the "no-nos", I don't think I could have survived. Kudos to you, ladies of sororities, for your over-peppiness and high tolerance for over-drunkenness and throwing up everywhere. Kudos to you also for not eating regularly (at least I think that's how they do it... I don't know how else you would stay that skinny).

Who knows, maybe some day I'll be blogging about my spring formal and how this bitch totally slept with the guy I slept with last night in the same frat basement. That whore.

My mom suggested I blog about how I felt about this. I'm glad I did. I feel much better. I will now be returning to my psych notes and Chinese food. Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hoppipolla!

    I hate to admit this but I'm one of those who've been there, seen it all, and still learning. Wise observations: welcome to the interface world! (That's the transition zone from one 'world' to another). The best part is you have many more to transit! Enjoy this transit zone: amuse yourself -- but remain your self.

