Monday, January 24, 2011

Chillun + wooden blocks = awful combination.

I have always liked little kids, but lately, they're driving me crazy. Maybe it's because I'm spending so much time around them (babysitting) but there's just something about them now... they've lost their charm on me.

Not going to lie - I'm a little disappointed in myself. I want to love them and enjoy spending time with them, but I always find myself dreading the hours ahead when I know I have to babysit. Is it over-justification? (

Maybe I just had a really rough day babysitting today. I got hit in the face with wooden blocks (repeatedly), which sucked. I also got yogurt spilled on me... and I hate yogurt (really, REALLY hate it).

Oh well.

They're just kids.

1 comment:

  1. ....i hate yogurt. worst nightmare.
    honestly i think the problem lies with the parents. not your fault at all, so don't be disappointed !
    p.s.- i love these pictures. autumn in amherst is perfect, as is your profile picture. love the sky.
