Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"My mama told me there'd be days like this"

I love this Van Morrison song - seriously love it. So good.

I drove home in shitty weather today. It was awesome. Bart (my 2000 corn tortilla blue Honda Civic) really pulled through and gave a stellar performance (including, but not limited to, fishtailing into the other lane, more than once.)

It took me forty minutes to get home... and that is when I knew- I am so ready for summer. I usually don't mind winter, especially growing up in New England, but alas, I'm ready for sunshine and warmth.

I'm convinced this summer is going to be incredible... concerts, beach trips, staying out late, no summer work, getting excited for college, etc. My mouth is watering just thinking about the Dippin' Dots at amusement parks.

For the last three years, I would laugh when I heard seniors talk about having "senioritis" but... I think it might actually exist. I'm telling you- as soon as the first acceptance letter arrives, all motivation goes straight out the window and procrastination kicks in to overdrive (the irony...)

So ready for summer...

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