Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a little update.

So I'm definitely the biggest hypocrite ever since I am currently blogging and wearing a Vineyard Vines sweatshirt. In my defense, 50% of proceeds to towards a cause (Vineyard Vines' "Tied to a Cause") but at the same time... there is no excuse.

Sorry I'm not sorry. This sweatshirt is warm and comfortable.

Other than fashion, not a lot has changed except my work load, which is growing at an exponential rate. It's beyond me how a second-semester senior who is already into college has so much work to do. Either way, I've decided it's a new year, and these past two months have been wasted due to a bad attitude. Starting now, I want to have a better attitude and make a real effort in every aspect of my life, including work.

And on that note, I'm off to start/finish my: two Lit papers, two Psych projects, two nights worth of Calc homework, Econ notes, and huge Spanish project. If I don't get to watch the Oscars because of this workload, I'm going to be pissed.

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