Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Some people think they have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I'm proud to admit that I'm one of those people. Whenever I'm stressed or angry or upset or anything really, I feel like cleaning/organizing. And it makes me feel SO much better. I think this is true for anyone, but it can get pretty bad for me at times... at parties, I'll end up picking up cans/wiping up tables (never a good sign).

For so long now, I've been insecure about my cleanliness/over-organization, but I think I'm starting to accept it. So what? I like things in order and feel mentally more at rest when my life is alphabetized/color coded. Oh well. There are parts of my life that are definitely not in order, and since I'm okay with that, I think my faux-OCD is acceptable... right?

So anyways, that is my revelation for the day. I'm now going to continue with my to-do list, which does, in fact, include cleaning up my emails/Facebook notifications.

Until next time :)

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