Monday, February 21, 2011

Am I the biggest hypocrite ever?

Answer to above question: Yes.

So I'm going to Indiana University this fall and I'm wicked excited... but I've also returned to my earlier ways of wanting to join a sorority and be part of the Greek system at IU. You might ask what could have possibly made me do such a drastic 180 and here's the answer:

I visited IU last weekend and met a girl who was in Kappa Kappa Gamma (it sounds annoying, I know) who told me that the girls are not in fact the "future housewives of America" as I had so "ignorantly presumed" and that I should really get to know people before making such a general judgment about such a large group of people.

Harsh but true. So, I've decided to give it a chance and just see what happens. I guess that's what college is all about... trying new things, making mistakes, making the same mistakes, and hopefully learning from them at some point so once graduation comes, you're not totally screwed. Oh, and getting an education.

On a lighter note: Hoosier nation babyyyyy

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